We know that finding a reliable lawyer of in another country is a complicated task that requires a great investment of time. Only small and medium law firms are fully aware of their local market, and are able to adapt to the needs that require foreign companies. The network allows a quick solution to a legal problem in another country through the law firm of its place of residence.
Opletalova 55
110 00 Praha 1
(Czech Republic)
Languages: Spanish and English.
KF Legal is a Czech law firm that offers its clients legal counselling in specialized fields, in addition to administering comprehensive legal services including business transactions, court and arbitrational proceedings.
Our attorneys have many years of experience, having worked in leading law firms, and work flexibly to meet the needs of our clients. The philosophy of KF Legal is precisely based on the needs and requests of our clients, providing direct services that react to their specific requirements, taking into account not only legal considerations, but also also other factors on which our clients place particular emphasis. KF Legal is thoroughly dedicated to addressing and resolving legal issues pertaining to the environment. KF legal concentrates on matters related to regulation of waste treatment, especially of waste electrical and electronic equipment and of packaging waste. KF Legal has dealt with matters pertaining to issues of environmental and building controls, and the operation of radioactive waste disposal sites in accordance with the Atomic Energy Law. In the field of environmental law services, KF Legal offers representation in administrative proceedings before organizations of public administration and municipal government (including proceedings in administrative justice), as well as adjustments of contractual relationships in this field. KF Legal takes a special interest in laws related to the gas and electric power sector. For several years, KF Legal has been engaged in matters related to applicable licensing activities in accordance with the Energy Act, primarily in the business of gas and electric power, the distribution of gas and electric power, the functional gas and electric market from legal point of view, market regulations and other legal issues related to the energy sector. The Law Office s activities in this sector involve: processing legal opinions, memoranda and positions; preparation of and amendments to contracts and other documents; representation before the Energy Regulation Board (e.g., licensing systems); and consultations with clients. The lawyers in our office have long been oriented on the issues of financial law, especially questions connected with laws on collective investment, the capital market and banking. We have also practical experience from several license and penalty proceedings concerning subjects of the capital market, including security traders, investment brokers and banks. One of the primary agendas of most law offices relates to issues pertaining to businesses and the proper functioning of business organizations. KF Legal is also active in this field. The lawyers in our office have a great deal of experience with the operations of large corporations and also smaller, specialized businesses. Members of the KF Legal also have extensive practical experience from many important court, arbitration and insolvency proceedings. KF Legal has extensive practical experience with the procedure of submitting public orders, both as the representative of the contracting authority and administrator of the award procedure and as the representative of the contractor. Our office has detailed knowledge of the proceedings before the Competition Office and its practical experience in these proceedings.- Environmental law.
-The elektricity and gas industrie.
-Collective investing, the capital market and banking.
-Litigation and insolvency.
-Corporate law.
-Competetion and public contract law.
-Intelectual property.