IURISGAL meeting in September 2023 in Miami (USA)

On 18 and 19 September, the International Meeting of the Law Firms of the Network will take place in Miami. It will be held at the Miami Beach Convention Center and will take place within the mbit of the 44th Hemispheric Congress of Camacol, the Latin Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the United States and also in conjunction with the Americas Food and Beverage Show organised by the World Trade enter of Miami.

We would like to thank our members in Miami, the ARIAS TOVAR Law Firm, for the enormous effort they are making in the preparation and organisation of the event and especially the work of he coordinator and director of the event, José Gregorio Tovar, for his full dedication.

The Meeting will have a massive participation, with the attendance of 30 firms from Asia, Africa, America and Europe, which in itself is a great success. The purpose of the event is to ncrease knowledge among the firms in order to obtain the greatest amount of synergies and improvements in legal assistance to clients. The activities also include "Match Making Meetings" between members f Iurisgal and important companies in the State of Florida.

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