IURISGAL I.N.O.L.F. is the first and only Global Network of independent Law Firms whose main spoken language is Spanish and which is actively present in five continents. And we are very proud of it.
Because nowadays nobody has been able to create a Law Firm Network like this one.
Because if we could create something new and different as IURISGAL I.N.O.LF., we are also ready to satisfy all kind of legal needs in a pioneering and effective way.
Because we serve to clients in Spanish, the second most spoken language in the world counting native speakers.
Because it is an exclusive Network where all members have passed an exhaustive selection process, which permits to provide high quality legal services.
Because all Firms that create IURISGAL I.N.O.L.F. have a recognized standing in their practicing jurisdictions, with a large career, in some cases more than 50 years.
Because this Network is supported by mutual trust and knowledge between its members that work closely to reach the main purpose which is to provide comfort and wise and smart response.
Because unlike other large Firms or huge Networks, our operating expenses are much lower, which allow us to charge little fees keeping a high quality service.
Law Firms members of IURISGAL I.N.O.L.F., have a recognised prestige. Below we show the distinctions and recommendations of our Law Firms in the most relevant international legal rankings.
We want to provide solutions for our clients all over the world.
That is why we have developed, Best Friends of Iurisgal.
A new project to extend our international network.